Comedy Club

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It back after a break over the summer

We have 4 amazingly funny comedians lined up for you, ready and willing to tickle your funny bones.

Ada Campe

Ada Campe is the alter-ego and mischievous creation of theatrical academic Naomi Paxton, and Ada is true variety at its best. From juggling to card tricks to mind reading, Magic Circle member Ada Campe is a one-woman celebration of a bygone golden era yet still hugely relevant today. Ada Campe is a sought after MC & comedian across the UK Circuit.

Dan Antopolski

Dan is a British comic, actor and writer. He has appeared in various television programs and radio shows, and is best known to younger audiences for hosting the UK game show The Dare Devil.

Sam Serrano

Sam Serrano is a gender fluid, dyspraxic, LGBTQ comedian from Liverpool. Now performing at clubs such as Glee, Laughterhouse, The Comedy Store On The Road. Sam has also provided tour support for acts such as Tom Stade, Brennan Reece & Stephen Bailey.

Headlining: Gerry K

Gerry’s comedy career started out as an actual result of a dare! It wasn’t long before Gerry was headlining all the major comedy clubs across the UK. Along his journey he scooped several worthy comedy awards including, The Comedy Store’s ‘King Gong’ Hailing from rural Essex and when growing up, a rare black face in a near totally white area (defiantly not your stereo typical Essex boy image) Gerry brings to life his very own perspective on the matter. Described as ‘Anecdotal, observational and refreshingly honest’ in style, an evening in his company is defiantly not one wasted.

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