Japanese Art Workshop

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Have you ever wanted to try Sumi-e? or maybe Origami?

Then why not book onto Artist Minoka Oka’s Japanese Art Workshop?

Sumi-e is an ancient art form of painting using ink with an emphasis on brushwork which is supposed to capture the spirit or essence of the subject. During this course learn how to manipulate your brush to create your own tranquil bamboo forest or a sleek goldfish swimming in a pond. Seemingly simple there are endless combinations you can use to create shades of ink and strength of the stroke will ensure that your artwork is unique!

Origami is the art of paper folding, another ancient art form dating back hundreds of years. Many magnificent sculptures can be made by using a simple sheet of paper, in this class you will learn how to make beads from paper and design your own bracelet, a simple way to make jewellery in a traditionally beautiful way.

One workshop  £5 per child £10 per adult

Both workshops £7.50 per child £15 per adult

Open for all ages 6+

For more information contact info@minako.co.uk Tickets available in the pub.

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