Return of The Comedy Club

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We have been waiting a long time for this event to return.

We have 4 amazingly funny comedians lined up for you, ready and willing to tickle your funny bones.

Our MC for the evening, Tim Clark

A world class comedian  “An unsung hero of stand-up comedy – the current master of this underrated art” – The Guardian

Mark Simmons

Returning to The Red Lion, an exceptional one-liner comedian, a regular face to TV, and toured with Rob Brydon and Rob Beckett. He will definitely get those belly laughs from the audience.

“Gags of the highest Order” – Broadway Baby

Sophie Garrard

Headlining Act: Mike McClean

You may remember him for Channel 4’s The Big Breakfast, or from The Office, or Shameless? (just to name drop a few)

Mike is one of the best mind readers on the circuit, travelling the world with his hilarious mind reading act he isn’t magical or psychic he’s just laugh out loud funny!


order tickets online or buy them in the pub, spaces are limited so don’t delay!







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